[Rational use of self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 1 diabetes]

Pichon Riviere A, Augustovski F, Garcia Marti S, Glujovsky D, Lopez A, Rey-Ares L, Bardach A, Regueiro A, Alcaraz A, Valanzasca P, Elorriaga N, Romano M, Rojas J
Record ID 32011000981
Authors' recommendations: Although there is not enough evidence resulting from clinical trials in order to recommend its use as the only intervention and which is the optimal SMBG frequency.Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose is considered a necessary element for DM 1 treatment in association with education on diabetes, since this allowed to recognize patterns in the blood glucose level to make adjustment to the insulin dose, diet contents, stress, exercise and thus prevent hypoglycemia.According to the clinical practice guidelines consulted, the recommended Self-monitoring of blood glucose frequency is at least 3 times a day for adults and 4 times a day for children and adolescents. Both recommendations are based on expert opinions.
Project Status: Completed
Year Published: 2011
English language abstract: An English language summary is available
Publication Type: Not Assigned
Country: Argentina
MeSH Terms
  • Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring
Organisation Name: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
Contact Address: Dr. Emilio Ravignani 2024, Buenos Aires - Argentina, C1414 CABA
Contact Name: info@iecs.org.ar
Contact Email: info@iecs.org.ar
Copyright: Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS)
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